Friday, 7 May 2010


1- Analysis of the Topic
Areas to look at,

Constructivism Art Movement
Political, Cultural and Social Movements Trough Design
Fashion and Commercialisation
Purpose of Fashion Design

2- Identify Research
By using those sources,

Primary Research
Contacting People to Interview them
by email, telephone or one to one

Secondary Research
Watch, Read, Collect

Tv Programs

New and Old Articles will be researched
in Public and Private Libraries

Search for Essays, Articles,
Websites and Videos Relevant to Subject
Ie; Essay on ‘Clothing the Soviet Mechanical’ – Flaneuse, J, Cockburn, 2005

Costume Revolution, Textiles, Clothing and Costume of the Soviet Union in the Twenties

Russian Revolutionary Art
(by John Milner)

Twenty-Five Visions, The Future of Brand
(Edited by Rita Clifton and Esther Maughan, Interbrand Group, 2000)

Aelita The Queen Of Mars
(Directed by Yakov Protazanow, 1924)
(This are only examples of the research already found)

3- Understand, Select and Classify Research

Classify Research by Specific Area of the Topic

4- Continuation of Primary Research

Carry on Collecting Primary Research
Notes will be taken for Ideas to Discuss in Dissertation,
also Thoughts and Reflections

5- Start Writing

Start Thinking on the Structure of Dissertation
First Draft of Dissertation will be Done by September 2010
'Recreating Aelita'

...perhaps, we should call her, 'Aelita the Queen of Fashion'.

'Aelita The Queen of Head Pieces'

'Aelita the Queen of Mars'
Aelita the Queen of Mars was a silent film from 1924 based on Alexei Tolstoy's novel.
Costume by Alekxandra Exter

'Costume Revolution'
Textiles, Clothing and Costume of the Soviet Union in the Twenties,
First English Language Edition 1989 by Trefoil, London

...'this pure art had the power to realize the romantic ideal of a marriage between art and modern industry and allowed for a total aesthetic transformation of life'. (pag 3)

...'Art must penetrate all walks of daily life, stimulating the artist taste and sensitivity of the masses. Artist in the field of dress, using basic materials, must create simple but at the same time beautiful clothes that are suited to the new demand of working life'. (pag 9)

...'To make functional and beautiful clothing is a sign of making life more comfortable and beautiful, not only for privileged people but also for a large strata of the population'.(pag 9)
'Soviet Clothing Design'
Soviet Costume and Textiles 1917-1945. Tatiana Strizhenova, Flammario 1991.

Red Army Men in Greatcoat and Budenovkas, 1925s.(pag 26)

The Opening of the Fifth All Congress of Soviet, 1918s.(pag 4)

Caravalrymen of Budenny's Army near Perekop, 1920s.(pag 2)

'Soviet Textiles'
Costume Revolution
Textiles, Clothing and Costume of the Soviet Union in the Twenties,
First English Language Edition 1989 by Trefoil, London

118. Anonymous Artist, Textile Machine Details. 'Manufactured by the First Factory of Printed Cotton', Moscow, late 1920s.(pag 155)

105. Anonymous Artist, Socialist Construction. 'Manufactured by the Second Factory of Printed Cotton', Moscow, early 1030s.(pag 105)

132. Anonymous Artist. Airplanes, 'Manufactured by the First Factory of Printed Cotton', Serpuchov, late 1920s. Historical Museum(GIM) Moscow.(pag 133)